发表论文120余篇,获授权发明专利15项,获吉林省科技进步二等奖2项。代表性论文如下: 1、atmospheric turbulence resistant heterodyne coherent receiver of few-mode fiber, optics express, 2022, 30(16): 28312-28324. (sci) 2、performance of improved mode diversity reception for free-space optical communication under atmospheric turbulence, journal of optical communications and network, 2022, 14(9): 725-732. (sci) 3、fabrication of parallel integrated few-mode fiber bragg grating with high-order mode self-coupling reflection, optics and laser technology, 2022, 156: 108572. (sci) 4、high-order mode fiber laser based on few-mode fiber gratings, optics and laser technology, 2022, 155: 108416. (sci) 5、gain enhancement of the optical waveguide amplifier based on nayf4/naluf4: yb, er nps-pmma integrated with a si3n4 slot, nanomaterials, 2022, 12(17): 2937. (sci) 6、few-mode polymer optical waveguide amplifier for mode-division multiplexed transmission, optics letters, 2021, 46(21): 5509-5512. (sci) 7、single- and dual-wavelength fiber laser with multi-transverse modes, optics express, 2021, 29(13): 20299-20306. (sci) 8、performance research of mppm-qpsk modulation signal for free space optical communication. optics communications, 2020, 457:124646-124649. (sci) 9、simultaneous measurement of mdl and dmgd in fmfs by analying the rayleigh backscattering amplitudes. ieee photonics journal, 2019, 11(2): 7202513. (sci) 10、fault detection of few-mode fiber based on high-order mode with high fault detection sensitivity, optics letters, 2019, 44(18): 4487-4490. (sci)