本人负责科研项目3项(国家青年科学基金1项,国家博士后基金一等资助项目1项,横向课题1项),经费总额60万元,并参与长春市科技局项目1项;发表学术论文21篇,其中以第一作者身份发表论文8篇,sci检索论文7篇(jcr二区论文1篇,三区论文2篇),ei会议论文1篇;授权发明专利1项,申请发明专利1项。 部分论文: 1) performance evaluation of coherent free space optical communications with a double-stage fast-steering-mirror adaptive optics system depending on the greenwood frequency,optics express, vol. 24, no. 12, jun 2016, pages 13288-13302; 2) fiber coupling efficiency analysis of free space optical communication systems with holographic modal wave-front sensor, optics & laser technology, vol. 60, aug. 2014, pages 116-123. 3)performance analysis of coherent free space optical communications with sequential pyramid wavefront sensor optics & laser technology, volume 100, 1 march 2018, pages 332-341 4)free space optical communication performance analysis with focal plane based wavefront measurement,optics communications, vol. 309, 15 nov. 2013, pages 212-220. 5) ber analysis of coherent free space optical communication systems with holographic modal wavefront sensor,journal of the optical society of korea(current optics and photonics), vol.1, no.1, 25 feb. 2017. 6) bit error rate analysis with real-time pointing errors correction in free space optical communication systems optik, vol. 125, iss. 11, jan. 2014, pages 324-328. 7) a novel method of camera pose estimation by parabolic motion optik, vol. 124, dec. 2013, pages 6840-6845. efficiency analysis of homodyne detection for a coherent lidar with adaptive optics journal of the korean physical society, vol. 69, no.12, dec. 2016, pp: 1750-1754.