论文: 1. linlin zhao, xuefen chi, lei qian and wanzhong chen, analysis on latency-bounded reliability for adaptive grant-free access with multipackets reception (mpr) in urllcs. ieee communications letters, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 892-895, may. 2019. 2. linlin zhao, xuefen chi, yuhong zhu. martingales-based energy-efficient d-aloha algorithms for mtc networks with delay-insensitive/urllc terminals co-existence. ieee internet of things journal, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 1285-1298, apr. 2018. 3. linlin zhao, xuefen chi, shaoshi yang. optimal aloha-like random access with heterogeneous qos guarantees for multi-packet reception aided visible light communications. ieee transactions on wireless communications, vol.15, no.11, pp.7872-7884, nov. 2016. 4. linlin zhao, xuefen chi, wenxiao shi. a qos-driven random access algorithm for mpr-capable vlc system. ieee communications letters, vol.20, no.6, pp.1239-1242, june 2016. 5. linlin zhao, xuefen chi, peng li, and guan lin. a mpr optimization algorithm for fso communication system with star topology. optics communications, vol.356, pp.147-154, dec. 2015. 6. lei qian, xuefen chi, and linlin zhao, hybrid access algorithm for embb terminals with heterogeneous qos in mpr aided vlc system. ieee global communications conference (ieee globecom), 2018. |