主要论文论著: 1)shuyou yu, jie guo, mingsheng xu, songlin zhang, ye zhuang, baojun lin, road priview mpc of semi-active suspension with magneto-rheological damper, international journal of robust and nonlinear control, doi: 10.1002/rnc.6625, accepted at february 7, 2023 2)于树友, 冯阳阳,kim jung-su, 陈虹,非线性预测控制终端约束集的优化,自动化学报,2022:48(1): 144-151. 3)shuyou yu, yangyang feng and xiaoping yang. extended state observer based sliding mode control of piezoelectric actuators, proc imeche part i: j systems and control engineering, 235(1): 39-51, 2021 4)shuyou yu, matthias hirche, yanjun huang, hong chen and frank allgower, model predictive control for autonomous ground vehicles: a review, autonomous intelligent system, (2021) 1:4. 5)chriatian ebenbauer, fabian pfitz, shuyou yu, contnrol of unknown (linear) systems with receding horizon learning, proceedings of machine learning research vol 144:1-13, 2021. 6)shuyou yu, jing wang, yan wang and hong chen, disturbance observer based control for four wheel steering vehicles with model reference, ieee/caa journal of automatica sinica, 5(6):1121-1127, 2018 7)shuyou yu, ting qu, fang xu, hong chen, yunfeng hu, finite horizon model predictive control with incremental input constraints, automatica, 79, 265-272, 2017 8)shuyou yu, xiang li, hong chen and frank allgower, nonlinear model predictive control for path following problems. international journal of robust and nonlinear control, 25(8): 1168-1182, 2015 9)shuyou yu, marcus reble, hong chen and frank allgower, inherent robustness properties of quasi-infinite horizon nmpc.automatica (regular paper), 50(9): 2269-2280, 2014 10)shuyou yu, christoph maier, hong chen and frank allgower, tube mpc scheme based on robust control invariant set with application to lipschitz nonlinear systems. systems & control letters, 62(2):194-200, 2013 |