(1)主要获奖情况 1. 吉林省自然科学一等奖,排名5/10,2017.11 2. 中国自动化学会技术发明一等奖,排名5/6,2019.11 (2)人才称号 1. 吉林省长白山青年拔尖人才,2021.12 (3)15篇代表性论文 1.guo h, zhao x, liu j, et al. a fusion estimation of the peak tire–road friction coefficient based on road images and dynamic information[j]. mechanical systems and signal processing, 2023, 189: 110029. (第一作者、中科院1区) 2.guo h, meng q, zhao x, et al. map-enhanced generative adversarial trajectory prediction method for automated vehicles[j]. information sciences, 2023, 622: 1033-1049.(第一作者、中科院1区) 3.meng q, guo h, liu y, et al. trajectory prediction for automated vehicles on roads with lanes partially covered by ice or snow[j]. ieee transactions on vehicular technology, 2023.(通信作者、中科院2区) 4. guo h, meng q, cao d, et al. vehicle trajectory prediction method coupled with ego vehicle motion trend under dual attention mechanism[j]. ieee transactions on instrumentation and measurement, 2022, 71: 1-16.(第一作者、中科院2区) 5.guo j, guo h, liu j, et al. distributed data-driven predictive control for hybrid connected vehicle platoons with guaranteed robustness and string stability[j]. ieee internet of things journal, 2022, 9(17): 16308-16321.(通信作者、中科院1区) 6.meng q, guo h, zhao x, et al. loop-closure detection with a multiresolution point cloud histogram mode in lidar odometry and mapping for intelligent vehicles[j]. ieee/asme transactions on mechatronics, 2021, 26(3): 1307-1317. (通信作者、中科院1区) 7.guo h, liu j, dai q, et al. a distributed adaptive triple-step nonlinear control for a connected automated vehicle platoon with dynamic uncertainty[j]. ieee internet of things journal, 2020, 7(5): 3861-3871.(第一作者、中科院1区) 8.liu j, guo h, song l, et al. driver-automation shared steering control for highly automated vehicles[j]. science china information sciences, 2020, 63: 1-16.(通信作者、中科院2区) 9. guo h, liu f, xu f, et al. nonlinear model predictive lateral stability control of active chassis for intelligent vehicles and its fpga implementation[j]. ieee transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics: systems, 2017, 49(1): 2-13.(第一作者、中科院1区) 10.guo h, yin z, cao d, et al. a review of estimation for vehicle tire-road interactions toward automated driving[j]. ieee transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics: systems, 2018, 49(1): 14-30.(第一作者、中科院1区) 11. guo h, liu f, xu f, et al. nonlinear model predictive lateral stability control of active chassis for intelligent vehicles and its fpga implementation[j]. ieee transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics: systems, 2017, 49(1): 2-13.(第一作者、中科院1区) 12. guo h, cao d, chen h, et al. model predictive path following control for autonomous cars considering a measurable disturbance: implementation, testing, and verification[j]. mechanical systems and signal processing, 2019, 118: 41-60.(第一作者、中科院1区) 13. guo h, shen c, zhang h, et al. simultaneous trajectory planning and tracking using an mpc method for cyber-physical systems: a case study of obstacle avoidance for an intelligent vehicle[j]. ieee transactions on industrial informatics, 2018, 14(9): 4273-4283.(第一作者、中科院1区) 14. guo h, yin z, cao d, et al. a review of estimation for vehicle tire-road interactions toward automated driving[j]. ieee transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics: systems, 2018, 49(1): 14-30.(第一作者、中科院1区) 15. guo h, liu f, yu r, et al. regional path moving horizon tracking controller design for autonomous ground vehicles[j]. science china information sciences, 2017, 60: 1-7.(第一作者、中科院2区) (4)代表性授权专利及转化情况 1. 郭洪艳,宋林桓,郭洋洋等. 一种基于危险程度变权重的人机协同转向控制方法. 授权公告号:cn107856737b, 2021.6月技术转让 2. 郭洪艳, 马骉, 刘风. 一种基于变权重模型预测算法的车辆稳定性集成控制方法, 授权公告号:cn106004870b, 2021.6月技术转让 3. 刘俊 郭洪艳 郭洋洋等. 一种驾驶员在环的人车协同转向滚动优化控制方法.授权公告号:cn108454628b, 2021.6月技术转让 4. 郭洪艳,刘畅,赵小明等. 基于区域虚拟力场的智能汽车横纵向耦合路径规划方法. 授权公告号:cn111750866b 5. 郭洪艳,赵旭,刘惠等. 一种基于时空同步与信息融合的路面附着系数估计方法,授权公告号:cn113361121b |